Friday, July 13, 2012

Blog revisited

Ok so obviously I did not do a very good job keeping up with the blog. The 30 day challenge was just that, a challenge. As such it took a great deal of time and effort and I was smart enough to do it during the most stressful month of a teacher's year. Adding a dedication to blogging every day proved to be too much at once and the blogging started to feel like work.

The good news is that, while I did not finish the blog, I did finish the challenge! It felt amazing :). Then I got on a plane to Croatia and fell off the paleo wagon big time. It was not that I was not a believer. If anything going from paleo to the Croatian diet of bread, cheese, meat, and sugar made my body very aware of just how awesome paleo is. The food was wonderful and delicious and once in a lifetime, but the stomached ache I had for weeks afterward was no bueno!

After the trip we came home, did laundry, and packed our bags to go celebrate the wedding of some friends in Connecticut. Then I came home, did laundry, and packed my bags for my nephews' birthday party in Georgia. Then I came home, did laundry, and packed my bags for another beautiful wedding in Palm Coast and a week in Destin with my family. Then I came home, did laundry, and packed my bags for a conference but it was at the Ritz so it was ok with me :). Oh during all of this my rockstar hubby got an offer from work that caused some very serious changes and challenges in our lives. They are all fun and we love challenges so yay but still stressful.

This trend of living out of a suit case and being somewhat out of control of my day to day happenings is somewhat over. As you can see staying paleo has been... Difficult. So today is a new day. I am going to try to get back on the wagon and am also trying to decide what my next 30 day challenge is going to be. I have continued working on small changes to better myself but have been all over the place. I have worked on dressing better, being more positive, I have sort of tried organizing but want to do more, I have read more, I have (wanted) to have a more focused workout life..... Basically I have been all over the place. I am going to reflect on all of it and will let you know Monday what my new 30 day challenge will be.


1 comment:

  1. Ok just one more time....I know at this moment you are probably doing laundry, and packing your bags for our girls trip over these next few days. Your summer has been all over the map (literally)! I can't wait to see you soon, missed you while you were out having adventures. I hope you have room for just one more before school starts! I promise it will be fun, and we can work some paleo in there if you would like. <3 Thanks for the update, and as always the inspiration. LoVe you!!!! :)
