Sunday, May 13, 2012

13 of 30

Friday and field trip day! Bring it!


Hard boiled egg and a tangelo


Wet n wild provides a buffet for the field trip of hamburgers and hot dogs. Luckily they give tons of veggie soft the burgers. I just used lettuce for the buns and used tomatoes and pickles with 2 burgers and mustard. Great lunch.


After a fun filled day at the park a friend and I decided to hit up Applebee's for dinner. It is really great how many places have gluten free menus now. I had a bruschetta chicken salad with champagne dressing. Best diet ever!



11 of 30

Tonight we are featuring steak! I did not use to be a big fan of red meat but now I can not get enough of it. Those of you who are opposed to red meat for health reasons should read The Paleo Diet: Lose Weight and Get Healthy by Eating the Foods You Were Designed to Eat by Dr. Loren Cordain. My family has a strong history of colon cancer so it took some convincing to get me to believe that red meat can be healthy but here I am. On to dinner.


Sweet potatoes

Carrots and broccoli steamed with garlic


We put mushrooms and onions in some olive oil with balsamic vinegar and sautéed. Pour over grilled steak and enjoy.


10 of 30

Today was NOT a good day with adults. My kids are amazing though and I spent the day interviewing them for entrance into AVID for next year. It is so comforting to listen to them discuss their goals for the future and the work they are willing to do to get there. They saved my sanity between dealing with crazy people :)

I was so stressed even after an hour of yoga AND an hour of body pump that the hubs and I decided to forgo a real dinner and meet an old friend for a drink. I just ate some hard boiled eggs and an apple in the car on the way. Sorry it was not exciting but I kept my sanity in the end. Tomorrow is another day and there is steak in the fridge so it can only get better.

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Monday, May 7, 2012

Day 9 of 30

Monday and back on track. Feeling good today after going shopping this weekend and getting some cute new clothes for our Croatia trip. I even managed to incorporate one of the shirts in my work clothes today. Score! So on to the food:


Breakfast casserole


Left over tilapia, green beans, and a quarter sweet potato with a tangelo for dessert. I actually did not enjoy a single bite until the dessert.


Chicken breast with garlic and Mrs. Dash, frozen veggie mix. Yuck. I am getting bored.


Tomorrow night I am going to try merging this stuffed zucchini recipe with spaghetti squash to hopefully make some yummy veggie goulash. The hubs is searching for a snack now, maybe I will get creative after all....


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day 8 - 14 of 30


Ugh my photo streaming was not working right this week so I tried to work around it. This of course led to me crashing the blog and basically deleted 5 entries, frustrating me greatly! The week was full of a lot of left overs and boring food anyway so you did not miss much. Basically I slacked on the dairy a few times but still avoided gluten. I did not plan very well some days and that led to my downfall. I relied too much on nuts and paid for it on the scales. Anyhow, here is a recap of the week.


I started off strong with a trip to the store where I bought lots of fruits, veggies, and lean meat. I also picked up the ingredients to make a shake in the morning. After scouring some other whole 30 blogs I saw a lot of almond butter, banana, and cocoa shakes so I decided they must be ok.
As it turned out I used WAY too much unsweetened cocoa. Instead of a welcomed treat it was bitter and chalky :( Oh well! I will try again with less powder.
That night we had grilled tuna with pan seared garlic green beans (amazing!) and sweet potato. I am really starting to enjoy sweet potatoes without butter. Crazy.
An example of boring leftovers: Greek salad left over from the party with all of the potato salad and feta left out and Boar's Head ham on top.
I went to an all day meeting this week. I knew it might be challenging since they were feeding us so I brought a hard boiled egg along with me. All I had to do was take the bread and cheese off the sandwich and supplement with my egg and viola! A great lunch.

My husband's family is Croatian. His mom grew up on a farm there where she cultivated a taste for high quality food. Luckily she spreads the love. She sent us these amazing sausages that are made by family in Kansas City. They are tasty! I was running extremely late one night so my sweet husband made sausages, sauerkraut, and oranges on the side. Total sodium overload. I felt like a whale when I woke up the next day.
I ended up having a weekend packed with friends and food. I am a very lucky girl. However there were some food challenges. But I am starting o get good at working my way around the gluten. This is a Cobb salad sans blue cheese and with oil and vinegar.
Ok time to move on to a new week. I am going to try to not only actually stay completely away from dairy and nuts but also lower the sodium and up the veggies. I will try to update daily this week, barring computer issues.