Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day 8 - 14 of 30


Ugh my photo streaming was not working right this week so I tried to work around it. This of course led to me crashing the blog and basically deleted 5 entries, frustrating me greatly! The week was full of a lot of left overs and boring food anyway so you did not miss much. Basically I slacked on the dairy a few times but still avoided gluten. I did not plan very well some days and that led to my downfall. I relied too much on nuts and paid for it on the scales. Anyhow, here is a recap of the week.


I started off strong with a trip to the store where I bought lots of fruits, veggies, and lean meat. I also picked up the ingredients to make a shake in the morning. After scouring some other whole 30 blogs I saw a lot of almond butter, banana, and cocoa shakes so I decided they must be ok.
As it turned out I used WAY too much unsweetened cocoa. Instead of a welcomed treat it was bitter and chalky :( Oh well! I will try again with less powder.
That night we had grilled tuna with pan seared garlic green beans (amazing!) and sweet potato. I am really starting to enjoy sweet potatoes without butter. Crazy.
An example of boring leftovers: Greek salad left over from the party with all of the potato salad and feta left out and Boar's Head ham on top.
I went to an all day meeting this week. I knew it might be challenging since they were feeding us so I brought a hard boiled egg along with me. All I had to do was take the bread and cheese off the sandwich and supplement with my egg and viola! A great lunch.

My husband's family is Croatian. His mom grew up on a farm there where she cultivated a taste for high quality food. Luckily she spreads the love. She sent us these amazing sausages that are made by family in Kansas City. They are tasty! I was running extremely late one night so my sweet husband made sausages, sauerkraut, and oranges on the side. Total sodium overload. I felt like a whale when I woke up the next day.
I ended up having a weekend packed with friends and food. I am a very lucky girl. However there were some food challenges. But I am starting o get good at working my way around the gluten. This is a Cobb salad sans blue cheese and with oil and vinegar.
Ok time to move on to a new week. I am going to try to not only actually stay completely away from dairy and nuts but also lower the sodium and up the veggies. I will try to update daily this week, barring computer issues.


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